Application forms will be issued by the school office for classes where seats are available, on payment of the prescribed fee.
Timings : 09:00 a.m. and 02:00 p.m. on the dates notified.
Classes I – IX : Subject to vacancies. Enquiries will be entertained around March.
Completed application forms should be submitted with all the enclosures and prescribed registration fee on or before the date specified by the School. The Registration fee once paid will not be refunded or adjusted for any other purpose. Registration is no guarantee for admissions.
Class | Age | Age on Date |
Class I | Child should be 5.5 to 6 | on April 01, 2021 |
Class II | Child should be 6+ | on April 01, 2021 |
Class III | Child should be 7+ | on April 01, 2021 |
Class IV | Child should be 8+ | on April 01, 2021 |
Class V | Child should be 9+ | on April 01, 2021 |
The age is reckoned as on 31st March of the year of admission.
1) Completed Application Form.
2) Passport size photos of the student and both the Parents should be pasted in the form.
3) Copy of Birth Certificate. (Bring original certificate for verification and it will be returned).
4) For students above class first onwards required T.C.
5) If sibling case (own brothers and sisters), Xerox copy of sibling’s school ID card has to be enclosed.
6) Guardian Photo (if applicable).
7) Certificate of caste / Physically Challenged (SC/OBC/ST/PC) (if applicable).
8) Copy of residence proof of present status (like Telephone bill, Electricity Bill, Passport).
9) Copy of Aadhar Card (Child, Father, Mother).
Summer Timings - 08:00am Home Time 01:00 pm
Winter Timings - 08: 30 am Home Time 01:30 pm
For the students taking admission above 1st standard. T.C. is compulsory. If T.C. is not submitted at the given time. The school have the right to cancel the admission. No re-test will be conducted for children who haven’t been able to appear for a test/examination due to illness or otherwise. No student will be allowed to appear for the final examination unless he/ she clears all the dues payable to the school. Once the name & date of birth is entered in the school GR it will not be changed. Etc
All the students are expected to be in School 10 minutes before the assembly begins, The are expected to line up in silence for the asembly at the sound of the first bell. After the assembly , they soould disperse in silence to their class. Student are nor permitted to leave the school premises during class hours, excpect for very urgent reasons, and that too, after obtaining written premission from the office. Not student wil hang around the campus or in the school building after the respective bells have been rung.
Students are forbidden to bring in to School valuable articles such as jewellery, costly fountain pens, camera, cell phone, watches extra. The School wil not be responsible for the loss any article. Student not wearing the prescribed unbiform will be sent back home.
Satudents are not allowed to bring Scooty/Scooter/Bike in the School.
For the common interest the child sufering from an infectious disease will not be allowed to attend the School.
The student must wear proper and clean School Uniform, polished shoes & clean shocks. Eachh morning, before prayer, the class teacher will inspect each student on personal cleanlines. All must consider it their special responsibility to keep the student on personal cleanliness. After eating their Tiffin, the student musty see the place is clean. They must have proper Hair cut, Nails cut, Ears, Nose & Eyes properly clean. Absence leave for absence may be granted on application from parents / guardians, if the cause is genuine. Their request must be made in advance.
1st to 10th
Girls – blue lining shirt with blue strips and blue pant and skirt
Boys- blue lining shirt with blue strips and blue pant.
1st to 10th
Girls & Boys – white shirt dark grey pant and skirt